Ground Squirrels Have Four Specific Personalities That Shape Their Ecosystems

Ground Squirrels Have Four Specific Personalities That Shape Their Ecosystems Humans aren’t the only animals with big personalities. Individual traits, temperaments, and coping styles have been observed among an enormously diverse range of animals, including sea anemones, fish, birds, mammals, spiders, and lizards. In fact, there are some experts who think personality exists across the entire animal…

Psychological Safety Is Not a Hygiene Factor

Psychological Safety Is Not a Hygiene Factor Co-authored with Per Hugander. Per is a strategic advisor helping executives achieve their goals by leveraging science and research in practice “Companies should mandate hygiene factors like ethics and psychological safety” The comment—made by a participant in an executive program a few minutes into the first discussion of a…

Milkweed butterflies tear open caterpillars and drink them alive

Milkweed butterflies tear open caterpillars and drink them alive This is the first time scientists have documented the grisly behavior Not all caterpillars grow up to be beautiful butterflies. Some become living milkshakes for their dads, who guzzle caterpillar body fluids to attract the ladies. Recently, scientists reported the first evidence of butterflies sipping from…